A car alternator is a very important mechanism that guarantees current and supplies it to other components in the car, as well as supplies the battery. A faulty alternator operation can manifest itself in two ways. Generating too high voltage can lead to a sudden battery failure. In turn, too low voltage leads to a quick discharge of the battery, and can also cause short circuits and faults in the car's electrical systems.

How to recognize the faulty operation of an alternator?

As mentioned above, the alternator defect leads to incorrect voltage applied to the battery. This, in turn, can cause the battery to discharge or be damaged. Previously, however, the car will send us signals indicating that the fastest time to replace the alternator. Usually, you will be alerted by a flashing or flashing battery charging indicator. Another symptom is more noise coming from the engine in the case of higher revolutions. There may also be problems in the lighting of the car. The light bulbs will glow unevenly or will simply burn out. It is worth changing the alternator as soon as possible.

Where can I buy a car alternator?

In Auto24Parts you will find a wide range of cheap and proven parts, so that replacing the alternator will not be a big expense. In this category you will find alternators for most car models. Most of the offer are used parts that have been carefully checked by a qualified mechanic. Therefore, it offers you a boot guarantee for the part purchased from our store. In the Alternators category, we offer parts only from renowned suppliers: Bosch, Denso, HM, Hitachi or Valeo.

By buying a cheap and tested alternator you will significantly reduce your expenses for necessary repairs. Remember that in the Auto24Parts online store you choose proven parts characterized by high quality and reliable operation. If you have doubts about whether the current alternator is working properly, choose a part from our store and guarantee protection for your battery.


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Alternator  OPEL ASTRA F 1.6 Delco 10479947, S55563IR Alternator OPEL ASTRA F 1.6 Delco 10479947, S55563IR
Vendor: GM


Net price: €24.39

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Alternator  OPEL ASTRA J 1.7 CDTI GM 13 500 186 BS, 13500186 BS, 100A Alternator OPEL ASTRA J 1.7 CDTI GM 13 500 186 BS, 13500186 BS, 100A
Vendor: GM


Net price: €101.63

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How is it built and what does the alternator provide?

The alternator, together with the crankshaft, is attached to the engine with a multi-bag belt, and consists of a rotor that remains an electromagnet, it generates a current and magnetic field, as well as a stator. The stator in the alternator is nothing more than a steel frame, which is also insulated, and on which the windings are located, when it comes to the rotor, also referred to as an electromagnet, it is powered by special rods and slip rings. The task of the alternator, as we all know, is to create an appropriate electromagnetic field, which leads to the appearance of electricity of various voltages. The part that is to ensure its charging is the connecting rod of the drive belt motor, there is also a voltage regulator in the alternator, which is supposed to affect the proper operation of the battery itself.

So we can safely define the alternator as alternating current generators, it is supposed to enable the production of electricity during engine operation, as well as its storage in the battery, which is responsible for powering the on-board electrics of the car. Learn the most common symptoms of a damaged alternator

When can we be almost certain that the alternator has failed?

- When we hear the noise of its bearings, which is the result of their wear
- The emergence of problems with lighting the lights, i.e. the effect of voltage fluctuations, their characteristic blinking.
- Serious problems with starting the engine itself, i.e. the inability to start it the first time, and only when we hold the key in the start position for a longer time
- V-belt squeaking

What to do in the event of an alternator failure?

It is possible to repair a damaged alternator, but here we should ask ourselves whether it is something that is a good choice, usually understandably we decide to replace it. The first symptoms of its malfunction and operation should encourage us to check the alternator in a professional car service.

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